New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: How do you manage your manager?
Ask HN: How do you manage your manager?
104 by singluere | 45 comments on Hacker News.
One of the things that is not taught in university or talked about enough in our industry is managing your manager. I am asking this because I was recently asked by my manager not to give talks in really difficult to get in industry events, despite of getting an acceptance. While I like the company I work for, it seems the un-preached way of managing the manager is to have a thick skin. How true is this? I'm also curious to know how you manage your manager?
104 by singluere | 45 comments on Hacker News.
One of the things that is not taught in university or talked about enough in our industry is managing your manager. I am asking this because I was recently asked by my manager not to give talks in really difficult to get in industry events, despite of getting an acceptance. While I like the company I work for, it seems the un-preached way of managing the manager is to have a thick skin. How true is this? I'm also curious to know how you manage your manager?
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